Lollipop e.V.
Freudental 4
87435 Kempten
Would you like to organize something in our premises? Then take a look at our calendar for available dates : https://lollipop-kempten.humhub.com/s/ubung/calendar/view/index
We look forward to seeing you :)
General inquiries: kontakt@lollipop-kempten.de
Bands and performers: booking@lollipop-kempten.de
Media: marketing@lollipop-kempten.de
Finances: finanzen@lollipop-kempten.de
Unfortunately, the Lollipop does not have its own any parking spaces.
Please do not park directly in front of the entrance(these belong to the company below us).
Freudentalstrasse has a few free parking spaces, especially in the evenings right next to the kindergarten. The easiest place is the large parking lot at the Allgäuhalle, just a 5-minute walk away. The Boleitestäffele staircase leads directly to the Lollipop.
For deliveries and bands we have another solution, please contact us.